2 New Small Knives for My Wife
My wife really likes small knives that she can carry in her purse or pocket. These are the 2 most recent that I have made for her:
The first is an integral forged from 1095 with an overall length of 5 1/16" and blade length of 2 1/8". It has a faint Hamon Line.
The second is 6 1/16" in length with a blade of 2 9/16". It is forged from Wootz steel with a stacked Siberian Birch bark handle. The guard and butt cap made from 1854 wrought iron with brass and black G10 spacers. It is a full hidden tang knife with the tang peened onto the wrought iron butt cap.
They are made small so she can easily carry in her pocketbook or pocket.
Of course both these handsome sheaths were made for her knives by Upland Custom Leather, Bud Siniard.