Image FK112
Blade Steel: 1095 (clay quenched)
Length: Blade: 2 5/8 " Overall: 7 1/16"
Handle: Arizona Desert Ironwood
Fittings: mosaic pin
Unique Features: faint Hamon Line; full tang; unique firework along spine
Sheath: Upland Custom Leather

Image 0110
Blade Steel: 5160 steel
Length: Blade 7 7/8" Overall: 12 1/8"
Handle Material: Leather and stabilized California Buckeye
Fittings: 303 SS guard; SS and black spacers; mosaic pins

Image 0310
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade 4 1/4" Overall 8 3/4"
Handle Material: An exquisite example of stabilized spalted maple burl
Fittings: red spacers and mosaic pins

Image 0336
Blade Steel: 5160 (etched in ferric chloride)
Length: Blade 4" Overall 8 3/4"
Handle Material: Grade A Desert Ironwood
Fittings: black spacers and brass pins

Image 0366
Blade Steel: 19C5VA/15N20 ladder pattern Rob Thomas damascus
Length: Blade 3 5/8" Overall 7 7/8"
Handle Material: Stabilzed Redwood
Fittings: SS pins and mosaic pins; black spacers

Image 0367
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 twist pattern Damacus
Length: Blade 3 1/4" Overall 7 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilzed Maidou burl
Fittings: red spacers and black micarta pins

Image 0279
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade 3 1/2" Overall 7 3/4"
Handle Material: Stabilized Box Elder Burl
Fittings: Black micarta pins and black spacers

Image 0377
Blade Steel: L6 (old saw blade)
Length: Blade 3 1/4" Overall: & 7 3/4"
Handle Material: Stabilized Black Ash Burl
Fittings: White G10 spacers: SS pins

Image 0364
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade 3 3/4" Overall 8"
Handle Material: stabilize spalted Maple burl
Fittings: red spacers and mosaic pins

Image 100
Blade Steel: L6 (old saw blade)
Length: Blade 4" Overall 8"
Handle Material: Stabilized California Buckeye
Fittings: gray spacers; brass pins

Image 0363
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade 3 3/4" Overall 8"
Handle Material: stabilized spalted Birch
Fittings: black micarta pins and black spacers
Special Features: S pattern hand filing along spine and tang

Image 0314
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade 3 7/8" Overall 8 1/2"
Handle Material: Stabilized Afzelia Lay
Fittings: red spacers and 416 SS pins
Special Features: S-pattern hand file work along spine

Image 0096
Blade steel: 5160
Length: Blade 5 7/8" Overall 10 3/4"
Handle Material: Ebony
Fittings: copper guard; copper and black spacers; copper pin

Image 0356
Blade Steel: 19C5VA/15N20 ladder pattern damascus by Rob Thomas
Length: Blade 3" Overall 6 1/2"
Handle Material: Stabilized spalted Birch
Fittings: black micarta pins and earth brown G 10 spacers

Image 0463
Blade steel: 01; Length: Blade 4 1/2" Overall 9"
Handle Material: stacked Birch bark: Fittings: Brass/ copper spacers; SS end cap
Special features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0352
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade 5 3/4" Overall 9 1/2"
Handle Material: Stabilized reddish spalted maple
Fittings: black G10 spacers, brass collar, brass peened pin
Special features: forged in finger guard

Image 0094
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade 6 7/8" Overall 11 3/4"
Handle Material: Stabilized Spalted Birch
Fittings: black micarta pins; black spacers

Image 0470
Blade steel 1095/15N20 ladder pattern damascus
Blade length 3 1/2" ; overall length 8 1/4"
Handle material Exhibition grade Desert Ironwood burl
Fittings: mosaic pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0487
Blade Steel 19C5Va/15N20 Rob Thomas ladder pattern damascus
Blade length: 2 3/4" Overall length 6 1/2"
Handle Material: Presentation grade Desert Ironwood
Fittings: mosaic pins
Special features: wave pattern hand file work along entire spine and butt end
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0490
Blade steel 1095/15N20 ladder pattern damascus
Blade length 2 1/2" Overall length 6 3/8"
Handle Material Stabilized Mesquite; Fittings brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 107
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade 6" Overall: 10 7/8"
Handle Material: Stabilized Sycamore; black and natural micarta; buffalo horn
Fittings: 416 SS guard and end cap; black and SS spacers
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 118
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade 4 3/8" Overall: 8 3/8"
Handle Material: Stabilized Tulip wood
Fittings: 303 SS pins
Sheath Upland Leather

Image 0370
Blade Steel: Rob Thomas Ladder Pattern 19C5V6/15N20
Length: Blade 3 7/8" Overall 9"
Handle: stabilized Redwood and stabilized Box Elder Burl
Fittings: Brass guard; brass, SS and red spacers; peened brass pins
Sheath: Rick Lowe

Image 0362
Blade Steel: 19C5VA/15N20 ladder pattern Rob Thomas damascus
Length: Blade 4 3/4" Overall 10"
Handle Material: stabilized black line Maple
Fittings: 304 SS guard and spacers; copper spacers

Image 0458
Blade Steel: 01
Length: Blade 3 1/2" Overall 8 1/4"
Handle Material: stabilized spalted Birch
Fittings: brass pins
Special Features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0459
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade 3 5/8" Overall 8 1/4"
Handle material: Stabilized spalted Birch
Fittings: 404 SS guard; copper/brass/404 SS spacers; brass end cap with 6 copper pins and partially exposed single copper pin in handle; mosaic pin
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0460
Blade Steel: Rob Thomas 19C5VA/15N20 random pattern high carbon damascus
Length: Blade 3 5/8" Overall 7 5/8"
Handle Material: fossilized mammoth tooth (20,000+ years old)
Fittings: G10 white spacers: brass Corby rivets
Special features: Rope pattern hand filework along entire spine and butt end
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0486
Blade steel: 5160
Length: Blade 3 1/4" Overall 7 7/8"
Handle material: stabilized Honduran Rosewood
Fittings: peened brass pins
Special Features: Brut de Forge construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0489
Blade steel: 5160
Length: Blade 4 1/8" Overall 8 3/4"
Handle material: stabilized Bocote
Fittings: Copper pins
Special features: Brut de Forge construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0510
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 "Crazy Lace" pattern damascus
Length: Blade 3 3/4" Overall 7 1/2"
Handle Material: stabilized Desert Ironwood
Fittings: mosaic pins
Special Features: wave pattern hand file work along entire spine
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image gallery1
Blade Steel: HHH 1084/15N20 crazy lace damascus
Length: Blade: 4” Overall: 8.5”
Handle Material: stabilized 2500 yo Russian Bog Oak
Fittings: blued mild steel guard: brass spacer ; mosaic pins
Special features: mortice handle construction; wave pattern hand file work along spine
Sheath: Upland leather

Image 0368
Blade Steel: Mustard etched 5160
Length: Blade: 4 3/8" Overall: 9 1/4"
Handle Material: Stabilized Hackberry
Fittings: black spacers and black micarta pins
Sheath: Rick Lowe

Image 0091
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 4 1/4" Overall: 9"
Handle Material: Stabilized Black Line Maple
Fittings: 416 SS guard; black, stainless steel, brass and black spacers; peened brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 268
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 4 1/8" Overall: 9"
Handle Material: Stabilized Ebony and Stabilized Afzelia Lay
Fittings: textured and etched wrought iron guard; black, copper spacers; copper pin
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0369
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 5 3/8" Overall: 10 1/4"
Handle Material: Stabilized Curly Maple
Fittings: 304 SS guard
Sheath: Rick Lowe

Image 0311
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 twist pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 4 1/4" Overall: 9 1/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Ebony
Fittings: brass guard and pin
Special features: rope pattern hand filing along spine
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0455
Blade Steel: 01
Length: Blade 4" Overall 9 1/4"
Handle Material: stabilized spalted Maple
Fittings: Bronze end cap; bronze and black G10 spacers; bronze peened pin
Special features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0461
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 3 7/8 Overall: 8 3/8
Handle Material: stabilized spalted Maple
Fittings: High carbon damascus guard and end cap; copper and brass spacers and mosaic pin
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0471
Blade steel: O1
Length: Blade: 2 3/4" Overall: 8 1/8
Handle material: Stabilized Afzelia Lay
Fittings: brass pins
Special Features : integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0477
Blade steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 3 5/8" Overall: 8 1/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Hackberry
Fittings: brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0484
Blade Steel: O1
Length: Blade: 3 3/4" Overall: 9 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Redwood
Fittings: Bronze pin
Special features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0485
Blade steel: O1
Length: Blade: 3 1/2" Overall: 8 3/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Curly Maple
Fittings: brass pins
Special features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0488
Blade steel: 1095/ 15N20 ladder pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 3 7/16" Overall: 8 1/8"
Handle Material: stacked Birch bark and stabilized Box Elder burl
Fittings: Nickel silver guard and butt cap; brass spacers
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0494
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 4 1/4" Overall: 9 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Persimmon and stacked Birch bark
Fittings: random pattern damascus guard and end cap; brass spacers; mosaic pins
Special Features: partial false upper edge, can be sharpened
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0512
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 "Raindrop" pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 3 3/4" Overall: 6 1/2"
Handle Material: stabilized Molave burl
Fittings: brass pins
Special Features: rope pattern hand file work along entire spine
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0513
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 3 5/8" Overall: 8 3/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Lignum Vitae
Fittings: bronze pins
Special Features: Brut de Forge construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0517
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 "rain pattern" damascus
Length: Blade: 3 11/16" Overall: 8 3/8"
Handle Material: stabilized and dyed giraffe bone
Fittings: etched wrought iron guard; bronze spacer and pins
Special Features: mortice handle construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0519
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 4 3/8" Overall: 9 5/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Brazilian Kingwood
Fittings: random pattern damascus bolsters; peened copper pins
Special Features: Brut de forge construction; thorny vine file work on spine
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0523
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade; 4 1/8" Overall; 8 7/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Ziricote
Fittings: 404 SS finger guard; copper spacer; mosaic pins
Special Features: mortice handle construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0524
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 3 1/8" Overall: 7 1/4"
Handle Material: stabilized California Buckeye
Fittings: peened brass pins
Special Features: peened brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 568
Blade Steel: 01
Length: Blade: 3 3/8” Overall: 7 7/8”
Handle Material: stabilized Box Elder
Fittings: red spacers; brass pins
Special Features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 573
Blade Steel: HHH 1095/15N20 “crazy lace” damascus
Length: Blade: 3 1/8” Overall: 7 3/8”
Handle Material: stabilized Cocobolo
Fittings: Brass pins
Special Features: rope pattern hand file work along entire spine and butt end
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 563
Blade Steel: San Mai--1095 core with 1095/15N20 "random pattern" jacket
Length: Blade: 3 5/8” Overall: 7 7/8”
Handle Material: stabilized Bastogne Walnut
Fittings: pre-Civil War wrought iron collar; cooper spacer; mosaic pin
Special Features: designed after Indian trade knife- 1750-1790 era
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 574
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 3 1/4” Overall: 7 3/8”
Handle Material: stabilized Honduran Rosewood
Fittings: peened brass pins
Special features: Brut de Forge construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 573
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 4” Overall: 8 1/2”
Handle Material: stabilized Ash
Fittings: damascus guard; copper and SS spacers; mosaic pins
Special features: mortice handle construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0105
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 6 1/2" Overall: 11 1/8"
Handle Material: Black micarta
Fittings: etched wrought iron guard and end cap; black/ brass/ 303 SS spacers
Special Features: blade has been blued and has Hamon line
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 560
Blade Steel: 01
Length: Blade: 3" Overall: 7 1/2"
Handle Material: stabilized Alder
Fittings: micarta pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 578
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 random pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 3 1/2" Overall: 8"
Handle Material: Desert Ironwood
Fittings: copper pins
Special Features: integral construction; thorny vine hand filework along spine and butt end
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0360
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 3 1/2" Overall: 8 1/8"
Handle: Ebony
Fittings: natural micarta pins and red spacers
Sheath: Rick Lowe

Image 0641
Blade Steel: Alabama Damascus “Alabama Redneck Skin” pattern
Length: Blade: 6 7/8” Overall: 12”
Handle: stabilized California Buckeye
Fittings: nickel silver guard; nickel silver/brass
spacers; mosaic pin
Unique Features: thorny vine hand firework along spine; sharpened upper edge
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0462
Blade steel: 01
Handle Material:
Fittings: peened brass pins
Special features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0468
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 3 5/8" Overall: 8 1/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Black (Bastogne) Walnut
Fittings: blued mild steel guard; black/G10/brass/copper spacers and mosaic pin
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0499
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 3 1/8" Overall: 7 3/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Ebony
Fittings: mosaic pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0596
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 line pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 3 1/4” Overall: 7 1/8”
Handle: stabilized Apricot
Fittings: brass pins
Unique Features: rope pattern hand filework along entire spine and butt
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0598
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 3 1/2" (2 7/8" cutting edge) Overall: 7 7/8"
Handle Material: stabilized giraffe bone
Fittings: mosaic pins
Special Features: hand filework along spine; mortice handle construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0600
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 raindrop pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 3 1/2" Overall: 7 3/8"
Handle Material: stabilized 2800 y/o Russian Bog Oak (copy of Radiocarbon Date certified included)
Fittings: bronze guard; mosaic pins
Special Features: mortice handle construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0611
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 3 1/2" Overall: 7 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Maidou burl
Fittings: 416 SS guard; copper spacer; mosaic pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0613
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 3" Overall: 7"
Handle Material: stabilized Black Nargusta burl
Fittings: 416 SS pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0614
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 raindrop pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 3 5/16" Overall: 7 15/16"
Handle Material: stabilized spalted flame Box Elder
Fittings: 416 SS gaurd and pin
Special Features: mortice handle construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0658
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 3 1/2" Overall: 7 5/8"
Handle material: stabilized Rosewood
Fittings: peened copper pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0660
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 3 1/4" Overall: 7 5/8"
Handle material: stabilized curly Koa
Fittings: peened brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0665
Blade Steel: O1
Length: Blade: 3 1/4" Overall: 7 3/4"
Handle material: stabilized Black Nargusta burl
Fittings: peened bronze pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0674
Blade Steel: O1
Length: Blade: 3 3/8" Overall: 8 1/8"
Handle material: stabilized fiery Amboyna burl
Fittings: peened brass pin
Special Features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0597
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 2 7/8" Overall: 7 1/2"
Handle Material: stabilized x-cut Box Elder burl
Fittings: bronze pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0615
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 raindrop pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 3 3/8" Overall: 7 1/2"
Handle Material: stabilized spalted curly Koa
Fittings: mosaic pins
Special Features: rope pattern hand filework along entire spine and butt
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0475
Blade Steel: O1
Length: Blade: 4 1/2" Overall: 9 3/8"
Handle material: stabilized Olive Wood
Fittings: peened brass pin
Unique Features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0509
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 3 7/16" Overall: 8 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Myrtle Wood
Fittings: ladder pattern damascus guard; brass spacer; mosaic pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0637
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 3 15/16" Overall: 8 1/2"
Handle Material: stabilized California Buckeye
Fittings: Curved anitque wrought (1854) iron gaurd; brass peened pin
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0640
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade (cutting edge): 3 5/8" Overall: 8 1/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Olive wood
Fittings: 411 SS guard and peened pins
Unique Features: mortice handle construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0689
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 4 15/16" Overall: 9 11/16"
Handle Material: stabilized Maple burl
Fittings: pre-Civil War wrought iron guard; copper spacer and copper peened pin
Unique Features: Frame handle construction with mild steel spacer
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0716
Blade Steel: 1084/15N20 "raindrop" pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 4 1/8" Overall: 8 1/2"
Handle Material: stabilized Morocco Thuya burl
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; brass spacer and peened pin
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0609
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 3 7/16" Overall: 7 7/8"
Handle Material: stacked Birch bark and stabilized African Mahogany
Fittings: brass guard; 416 SS spacer; mosaic pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0621
Blade Steel: 01
Length: Blade: 3" Overall: 8 1/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Afzelia burl
Fittings: mosaic pins
Unique Features: integral construction of bolsters and butt
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0626
Blade Steel: O1
Length: Blade (cutting edge): 4 1/2" Overall: 9 7/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Amboyna burl
Fittings: mosaic pins
Unique Features: integral construction of bolsters and butt
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0707
Blade Steel: Alabama "random" damascus-5160/203E/15N20/52100/Ni
Length: Blade: 3 7/16" Overall: 8 1/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Box Elder Burl
Fittings: peened bronze pins
Unique Features: rope pattern hand filework along entire spine
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 2015-40
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 3 5/8" Overall: 8"
Handle Material: stabilized Bocote
Fittings: peened copper pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 2015-41
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 4 1/8" Overall: 8 3/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Maidou burl
Fittings: peened brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 2015-42
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 4 1/2" Overall: 9 1/2"
Handle Material: stabilized Black Ash burl
Fittings: peened brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0625
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 "twist" pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 3 1/4" Overall: 8 3/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Carob
Fittings: mosaic pins
Unique Features: integral construction of bolsters and butt
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0676
Blade Steel: San Mai (1095 between 1095/15N20 damascus)
Length: Blade: 4 3/16" Overall: 8 7/8"
Handle Material: stabilized spalted Pacific Madrone burl
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; mosaic pin
Unique Features: buttend of handle is natural surface
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0696
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 4 5/8" Overall: 9 1/2"
Handle Material: stabilized spalted Oak
Fittings: pre-Civil War (1854) wrought iron guard; stainless steel spacer; mosaic pins
Unique Features: frame handle construction with mild steel spacer
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0697
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 4 11/16" Overall: 9 5/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Ziricote
Fittings: pre-Civil War (1854) wrought iron guard and butt cap; bronze spacers; bronze peened pin
Unique Features: mortice handle construction; wave pattern hand file work along spine
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0706
Blade Steel: W2-edge differentially quenched with clay
Length: Blade: 4 1/2" Overall: 9 3/8"
Handle Material: stacked Birch bark
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard and butt cap; cooper spacers
Unique Features: hand filework on cooper spacers
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0715
Blade Steel: Alabama "random" damascus-5160/203E/15N20/52100/Ni
Length: Blade: 3 1/2" Overall: 8 1/2"
Handle Material: stabilized California Buckeye
Fittings: peened cooper pins
Unique Features: wave pattern hand filework along entire spine
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0705
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 "line" pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 3 1/4" Overall: 7 3/8"
Handle Material: stabilized California Buckeye
Fittings: peened cooper pins
Unique Features: wave pattern hand filework along spine
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0281
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20, Twist Pattern Damascus
Length: Blade 3 3/4" Overall: 8"
Handle Material: Stablized Redwood burl
Fittings: blued mild steel guard; G10 black spacers; brass and copper spacers; peened copper pin

Image 0284
Blade Steel: 01
Length: Blade: 3 3/4" Overall: 8 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized California Buckeye
Fittings: peened brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0355
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 twist pattern damascus
Length: Blade 4 3/4" Overall 9 5/8"
Handle Material: Stabilized Box Elder Burl
Fittings: Copper guard, 303 SS and copper spacer, mosaic pins

Image 0450
Blade Steel: 01
Length: Blade: 3 3/8" Overall: 8 1/2"
Handle Material: stabilized Lacewood
Fittings: mosaic pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0547
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 4” Overall: 8 5/8”
Handle Material: stabilized 2500 yo Russian Bog Oak (copy of Radiocarbon Date Certificate is included)
Fittings: damascus guard; hand filed nickel silver spacer; mosaic pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0553
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 4 1/8" Overall: 8 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized California Buckeye
Fittings: brass pins
Special Features: designed after Indian trade knife circa 1750-1790
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0541
Blade Steel: 1084
Length Blade: 4 3/16” Overall: 8 3/4”
Handle Material: stabilized Buckeye
Fittings: blued mild steel guard; brass spacer; mosaic pin
Special Features: wave pattern hand firework along spine
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0577
Blade Steel: 1084/15N20 raindrop pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 2 3/8" Overall: 6 1/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Apricot
Fittings: bronze pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0590
Blade Steel: 1084/15N20 firestorm pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 2 5/8” Overall: 6 1/8”
Handle: stabilized Ziricote
Fittings: bronze pins
Unique Features: rope pattern hand filework along spine and butt end
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0546
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 3 5/8” Overall: 8 1/2”
Handle Material: stabilized cross cut Bocote
Fittings: micarta pins
Unique Features: Brut de Forge construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0549
Blade Steel: 01
Length: Blade: 3 7/8” Overall: 9”
Handle Material: stabilized cross cut Tulip Wood
Fittings: peened brass pins
Unique Features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0550
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 3 5/8” Overall: 8 1/8”
Handle Material: stabilized Myrtle Wood
Fittings: peened brass pins
Unique Features: design based on English Roach Belly trade knife circa 1750-1790
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0531
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 4 1/2" Overall: 9"
Handle Material: stabilized Walnut burl
Fittings: peened copper pins; copper spacer; wrought iron collar
Unique Features: Mortice handle construction; wave pattern hand file work along spine
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0576
Blade Steel: 1084/15N20 raindrop pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 2 1/2" Overall: 6 7/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Apricot
Fittings: bronze pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0587
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 2 7/8" Overall: 8 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized spalted Maple burl
Fittings: damascus collar; blackG10/copper/brass spacers; mosaic pins
Unique Features: mortice handle construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0585
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 3 3/8" Overall: 7 1/4"
Handle Material: stabilized curly Koa
Fittings: brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0568
Blade Steel: 01
Length: Blade: 3 1/2" Overall: 8 1/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Apricot
Fittings: bronze pins
Unique Features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0579
Blade Steel: San Mai - 1095 random pattern damascus around 1095 core
Length: Blade: 3 3/4" Overall: 9 1/4"
Handle Material: exhibition grade Desert Ironwood
Fittings: copper collar; black G10/SS spacers; peened copper pin thru SS washers
Unique Features: mortice handle construction; thorny vine pattern hand filework along spine
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0599
Blade Steel: O1
Length: Blade: 3 1/2" Overall: 7 5/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Mesquite
Fittings: 416 SS pins
Unique Features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0686
Blade Steel: W2
Length: Blade: 4 1/4" Overall: 8 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Redwood burl
Fittings: pre-Civil War wrought iron guard; peened brass pins
Unique Features: Frame handle construction with mild steel spacer
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0698
Blade Steel: W2
Length: Blade: 4 3/8" Overall: 8 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Tamboti (African Sandalwood)
Fittings: pre-Civil War wrought iron guard; black G10 spacers; brass spacer; mosaic pin
Unique Features: thorny vine pattern hand filework on brass spacer
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0870
Blade Steel: 8oCRV2
Length: Blade: 4" Overall: 8 3/4"
Handle Material: Sambar Stag
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard and butt cap; copper spacers; mosaic pins
Unique Features: tang peened into butt cap
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0882
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 "line" pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 3 1/16" Overall: 8 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Black Locust burl
Fittings: peened brass pins
Unique Features: lanyard hole
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0841
Blade Steel: 5160
Length: Blade: 4 9/16" Overall: 9 5/8"
Handle Material: stabilized California Buckeye
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard and butt cap; black G10 and copper spacer; 3 SS pins in butt cap; peened copper pin
Unique Features: tang peened into butt cap
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0797
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 3 5/8" Overall: 7 13/16"
Handle Material: stabilized Black Ash Burl
Fittings: peened brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0894
Blade Steel: W2
Length: Blade: 4" Overall: 8 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized California Buckeye
Fittings: peened bronze pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0897
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 "line pattern" damascus
Length: Blade: 2 7/8" Overall: 7 7/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Redwood
Fittings: peened brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0899
Blade Steel: Cru Forge V
Length: Blade: 3 3/8" (sharpened edge) Overall: 8 5/8"
Handle Material: Arizona Desert Ironwood (Exhibition grade)
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; copper spacer; mosaic pins
Unique Features: twisted rope pattern hand file work along spine and handle/spacer/guard
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0900
Blade Steel: Cru Forge V
Length: Blade: 3 1/4" Overall: 8 1/16"
Handle Material: stabilized Sindora burl
Fittings: peened brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0903
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 "firestorm" pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 3 1/2" Overall: 8"
Handle Material: stabilized cross-cut Mesquite burl
Fittings: peened brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0907
Blade Steel: Cru Forge V
Length: Blade: 3 3/4" Overall: 8 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Box Elder burl
Fittings: peened nickle silver pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0914
Blade Steel: Cru Forge V
Length: Blade: 3 1/8" Overall: 7 1/2"
Handle Material: stabilized flame Black Ash burl
Fittings: peened brass pins; brass lanyard tube
Unique Features: lanyard hole
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0970
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 "firestorm" damascus
Length: Blade: 2 7/8" Overall: 7 1/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Box Elder burl
Fittings: peened brass pins brass lanyard tube
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0997
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 "firestorm" damascus
Length: Blade: 2 3/4" Overall: 6 1/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Black and White Ebony
Fittings: peened bronze pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0954
Blade steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 8 1/8” (Max. Width: 1 3/4”) Overall: 13 1/4”
Handle: Arizona Desert Ironwood (6 years old)
Fittings: mosaic pins
Unique Features: very distinct Hamon line: full tang
Blade cover included

Image 0982
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 3 15/16” (max. width; 13/16”) Overall: 8 3/8”
Handle: stabilized Claro Walnut
Fittings; peened copper pins
Unique Features: distinct Hamon Line; full tang
Blade cover provided

Image 0964
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade 3 7/8” (max. width: 15/16”) Overall: 8 3/8”
Handle: stabilized Olive Wood
Fittings: peened bronze pins
Unique Features: Hamon Line; full tang
Blade cover provided

Image 0985
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 4” (max. width: 3/4”) Overall: 8 1/2”
Handle: stabilized spalted Birch
Fittings: nickel silver collar and spacer; black G10 spacer; mosaic pin
Unique Features: distinct Hamon Line; hidden tang
Blade cover provided

Image 0983
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 3 3/4” (max. width: 3/4”) Overall: 8 1/16”
Handle: stabilized Redwood burl
Fittings: copper collar and copper peened pin
Unique Features: distinct Hamon Line; hidden tang
Blade cover provided

Image 1001
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 "firestorm" damascus
Length: Blade: 2 7/8” Overall: 7 3/4”
Handle: stabilized Bastogne Walnut (70+ years old)
Fittings: s.s. collar and spacer: black G10 spacer; mosaic pin
Unique Features: hidden tang
Blade cover provided

Image 1003
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 "firestorm" damascus
Length: Blade: 2 7/8” Overall: 7 3/4"
Handle: stabilized Black Line Maple
Fittings: s.s. collar and spacer; black G10 spacer and mosaic pin
Unique Features: hidden tang
Blade cover provided

Image 0799
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 "raindrop" pattern damascus
Length: Blade: 4" Overall: 9 7/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Redwood lace
Fittings: peened bronze pins
Unique Features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0831
Blade Steel: 52100
Length: Blade: 3 7/8" Overall: 9 1/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Olive Wood burl
Fittings: peened bronze pins
Unique Features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0892
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 3 3/4" (sharpened edge) Overall: 9 3/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Afzelia Lay
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; black G10 spacer; mosaic pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0450-1
Blade steel: 01
Length: Blade: 3 5/8" Overall: 8 1/2"
Handle Material: stabilized Lacewood
Fittings: mosaic pins
Special features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0995
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 “firestorm” damascus
Length: Blade: 7 1/8” (max. width: 1”) Overall: 12 3/8"
Handle: Honduran Rosewood
Fittings: copper collar/spacer; black G10 spacer; mosaic pin
Unique Features: hidden tang
Blade cover provided

Image 0533
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 3 7/8" Overall: 7 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Redwood
Fittings: brass pins;
Unique Features: thorny vine pattern hand file work along spine
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0685
Blade Steel: San Mai (1095/1084/mild steel/Ni damascus with core of O1)
Length: Blade: 3 7/8" Overall: 8 3/8"
Handle Material: stacked Birch bark
Fittings: pre-civil war wrought iron guard and butt cap; copper spacers
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0582
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 3 7/8" (2 7/8" cutting edge) Overall: 8 3/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Redwood
Fittings: damascus guard; copper spacer; mosaic pins
Unique Features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 0690
Blade Steel: W2
Length: Blade: 4 3/4" Overall: 9 5/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Honduron Rosewood burl
Fittings: pre-Civil War (1854) wrought iron guard; nickel silver spacer; nickel silver peened pins
Unique Features: frame handle construction with mild steel spacer
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 1149
Blade Steel: San Mai (1095/15N20 “random”pattern damascus over core of 1095)
Length: Blade: 2 3/4” (sharpened edge) Overall: 8”
Handle Material: stabilized spalted Maple
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; bronze spacer & peened pin; black G10 spacer
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 1220
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 “firestorm” damascus
Length: Blade: 3 15/16” (sharpened edge) Overall: 7 1/2"
Handle Material: stacked Birch bark
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard & butt cap; black G10 & nickel silver spacers
Unique Features: tang peened into butt cap
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image kk4
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 7 3/4” (max. width: 1 5/16”) Overall: 12 3/4”
Handle: stabilized spalted Birch
Fittings: mosaic pins
Unique Features: distinct Hamon Line; full tang
Blade cover provided (for transport, not storage)

Image kk9
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 “firestorm” damascus
Length: Blade: 6 1/4” (max. width: 1”) Overall: 11 3/4”
Handle: stabilized Cocobolo
Fittings: brass collar/spacer/peened pin: black G10 spacer
Unique Features: hidden tang
Blade cover provided (for transport, not storage)

Image kk10
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 “firestorm” damascus
Length: Blade: 4 3/8” (max. width: 15/16”) Overall: 10 3/4”
Handle: Honduran Rosewood
Fittings: copper collar/spacer; black G10 spacer; mosaic pin
Unique Features: hidden tang
Blade cover provided (for transport, not storage)

Image m23-p1
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 4 1/4' Overall: 8 3/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Magnolia
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; black G10 and copper spacers; peened copper pins.
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 1111111
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 “firestorm” damascus (HRC 61)
Length: Blade: 7 15/16” (max width: 1 7/8”) Overall: 12 1/2”
Handle: exhibition grade Arizona Ironwood
Fittings: mosaic pins

Image 567
Blade Steel: 1084
Length: Blade: 3 5/8" Overall: 7 7/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Padauk
Fittings: mosaic pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image kk3
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 7 5/8” (max. width: 1 1/8”) Overall: 13 3/8”
Handle: stabilized Redwood lace
Fittings: copper collar; brass spacer; mosaic pin
Unique Features: distinct Hamon Line; hidden tang
Blade cover provided (for transport, not storage)

Image 16
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 4 7/16" Overall: 9"
Handle Material: stabilized Maple burl
Fittings: damascus guard; copper spacer; mosaic pin
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 31
Blade Steel: 1095-differentially quenched with clay
Length: Blade: 4 9/16" (sharpened edge: 3 7/8") Overall: 9 1/4"
Handle Material: stabilized Bastogne Walnut
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; brass spacer; mosaic pin
Unique Features: thorny vine hand filework along spine
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 33
Blade Steel: W2- differentailly quenched with clay
Length: Blade: 4 5/16" Overall: 9"
Handle Material: stabilized black line Maple
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; black G10 and copper spacers; copper peened pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 43
Blade Steel: 8oCRV2
Length: Blade: 3 1/2" Overall: 8 1/4"
Handle Material: brown jute and black canvas micarta
Fittings: peened brass pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 57
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 4 1/16” (sharpened edge) Overall: 9 1/2’
Handle Material: Sambar stag and stacked Birch bark
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard and butt cap; copper spacers
Unique Features: distinct Hamon line; hand filework on copper spacers
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 59
Blade Steel: Wootz high carbon steel
Length: Blade: 3” Overall: 8 3/4”
Handle Material: stabilized Afzelia burl and stacked Birch bark
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard and butt cap; black G10 and brass spacers
Unique Features: thorny vine hand filework on brass spacer
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 62
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 “firestorm” damascus
Length: Blade: 2 3/8” (sharpened edge) Overall: 6 15/16”
Handle: stabilized Claro Walnut burl
Fittings: Nickel silver guard/butt cap; black G10 spacers
Unique Features: tang peened into butt cap; peened pin
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 64
Blade Steel: San Mai (mild steel with core of Japanese Blue Paper Steel #2)
Length: Blade: 2 3/4” (sharpened edge) Overall: 8”
Handle Material: amber Arizona Desert Ironwood
Fittings: copper guard & peened pins
Unique Features: San Mai
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 65
Blade Steel: San Mai (mild steel with core of Japanese Blue Paper Steel #2)
Length: Blade: 3 1/16” (sharpened edge) Overall: 8 1/2”
Handle: stabilized Redwood lace burl
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard/butt cap: brass & black G10 spacers; mosaic pin
Unique Features: San Mai; tang peened into butt cap
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 67
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 “firestorm” damascus steel
Length: Blade: 2 1/4” Overall: 5 3/8”
Handle: Mexican Cocobolo
Fittings: peened copper pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 72
Blade Steel: Cru Forge V (clay quenched)
Length: Blade: 4 1/16” (sharpened edge) Overall: 9 15/16”
Handle Material: stabilized flame grey Box Elder
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; brass and copper spacers; mosaic pins
Unique Features: frame handle construction with mild steel spacer; clay quenched with faint Hamon line
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 73
Blade Steel: W2 (clay quenched)
Length: Blade: 4” Overall: 8 1/2”
Handle Material: stabilized Black Ash Burl
Fittings: peened bronze pins
Unique Features: clay quenched with distinct Hamon Line
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image k2
Blade Steel: 1095
Length; Blade: 8” (max. width: 1 3/8”) Overall: 13 1/4”
Handle: black Ebony and stabilized California Buckeye burl
Fittings: SS spacers; mosaic pin
Unique Features: very distinct Hamon Line; hidden tang
Blade cover provided (for transport, not storage)

Image k11
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 “Firestorm” damascus
Length: Blade: 7 1/16” (max. width: 1 7/8”) Overall: 11 5/8”
Handle: stabilized Birdseye Maple
Fittings: peened brass pins
Sheath: protective cover

Image kk77
Blade Steel: W2 (clay quenched)
Length: Blade: 8” (max. width: 1 3/4”) Overall: 13 1/8”
Handle: stacked Siberian Birch bark
Fittings: bronze collar/butt cap; red G10 spacers
Unique Features: hidden and construction; distinct Hamon Line
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image kk76
Blade Steel: W2 (clay quenched)
Length: Blade: 8 9/16” (max. width: 1 7/8”) Overall: 13 5/8"
Handle: stabilized Olivewood
Fittings: 410 SS collar /butt cap: black/white plastic spacers; mosaic pin
Unique Features: hidden tang; tang peened onto butt cap; distinct Hamon Line
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image kk78
Blade Steel: O1
Length: Blade: 3 1/4” Overall: 7 3/4”
Handle: stabilized spalted Avocado
Unique Features: integral construction
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image kk80
Blade Steel: O1
Length: 3 3/8” Overall: 8 1/16”
Handle: Arizona Desert Ironwood
Unique Features: integral construction
Fittings: copper collar/end cap; black/white plastic spacers
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image kk82
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 “Firestorm” damascus
Length: Blade: 7 5/8” (max. width: 1 7/16”) Overall: 13 1/4”
Handle: Arizona Desert Ironwood (exhibition grade)
Fittings: copper collar/end cap (hammered flat surfaces); black G10 spacers; mosaic pin
Unique Features: tang peened onto end cap
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image 1292
Blade Steel: 01
Length: Blade: 4" Overall: 9 3/8"
Handle Material: Campfire Sambar Stag
Fittings: mosaic pins
Unique Features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 7-9kk2
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 “firestorm” damascus
Length: Blade: 8 1/8” (max. width: 1 3/8”) Overall: 12 7/8”
Handle: stabilized Olive Wood
Fittings: brass/white G10/brass collar; peened brass pin
Unique Features: hidden tang
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image 1471
Blade Steel: W2 (clay quenched)
Length: Blade: 8 3/4" (max. width-1 3/4") Overall: 14 3/16"
Handle: snakeskin and landscape Ziricote
Fittings: damascus collar and end cap; black G10 spacers; mosaic pin
Unique Features: distinct Hamon Line; full hidden tang construction with tang peened onto end cap

Image 1552
Blade Steel: Wootz steel
Length: Blade: #' (sharpened edge) Overall: 8"
Handle: stabilized California Buckeye burl
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard and butt cap; brass spacers and peened brass pin
Unique Features: full hidden tang construction with tand peened onto butt cap
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 1593
Blade Steel: San Mai (core of Hitachi White Paper Steel #2 and jacket of low carbon steel)
Length: Blade: 6 9/16" (max. width-1 1/8") Overall: 11 11/16"
Handle: stabilized Pacific Madrone burl
Fittings: nickel silver collar and end cap with hammered faces; black and white 5 layer spacers; mosaic pin
Unique Features: full hidden tang construction with tang peened onto end cap

Image kk84
Blade Steel: San Mai—core of Japanese Blue Paper Steel with jacket of low carbon steel
Length: Blade: 3 5/8” Overall: 7 7/8”
Handle: stabilized spalted Maple
Fittings: peened brass pins
Unique Features: full tang
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image m23-p5
Blade Steel: 1095
Length: Blade: 4 15/16" Overall: 9 3/8"
Handle Material: stabilized Marble Wood
Fittings: peened brass pins
Special Features: Lanyard hole
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 1520
Blade Steel: 01
Legnth: Blade: 3 1/8" (sharpened edge) Overall: 9 11/16"
Handle: dyed Giraffe bone
Fittings: mosaic pins
Unique Features: full integral construction with tapered tang (hand forged)
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 1639
Blade Steel: 80CrV2
Length: Blade: 4 9/16" Overall: 10 3/4"
Handle: stabilized Yellow Box eye burl
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; copper/brass spacers; mosaic pin; mild steel frame
Unique Features: frame handle construction; faint Hamon Line
Sheath: Upland Custom Leather

Image 1613
Length: Blade: 6 1/2" (max. width-1 1/4") Overall: 11 5/8"
Handle: stabilized spalted River Birch
Fittings: s.s. collar and end cap with hammered faces; copper and black G10 spacers; mosaic pin
Unique Features: distinct Hamon Line; full hidden tang construction with tang peened into end cap

Image 1719
Blade Steel: W2
Length: Blade: 7 1/2" (max. width-1 5/8") Overall: 12 11/16"
Handle: stabilized spalted Maple burl
Fittings: bronze collar and end cap with hammered faces; black G10 spacers; peened bronze pin
Unique Features: distinct Hamon Line; full hidden tand construction with tang peened onto end cap

Image 1993
Blade Steel: W2
Length: Blade: 3 3/4" Overall: 8 1/2"
Handle: stabilized California Buckeye
Fittings: peened bronze pins; center mosaic "dog paw" pin
Unique Features: full tang; distinct quench line
Sheath: Upland Custom Leather

Image 54
Blade Steel: Cru Forge V
Length: Blade: 3 3/4" Overall: 9 7/8"
Handle Material: stabilized silky Oak burl
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; brass and copper spacer; mosaic pins
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 58
Blade Steel: Wootz high carbon stee
Length: Blade: 2 7/8” (sharpened edge) Overall: 8 3/16”
Handle: stabilized Afzelia burl (highly figured)
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; brass spacer and peened brass pin
Unique Features: hand filework on brass spacer
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 63
Blade Steel: O1
Length: Blade: 3.5” Overall: 8 3/4”
Handle: stabilized Black Lacewood
Fittings: peened brass pins
Unique Features: integral construction
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 66
Blade Steel: San Mai (mild steel with core of Japanese White Paper Steel #2)
Length: Blade: 3 1/8” (sharpened edge) Overall: 9 1/4”
Handle: stabilized California Buckeye
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard & butt cap; black micarta spacers; mosaic pin
Unique Features: hand filework on spacers & wrought iron; tang peened into butt cap; San Mai
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 75
Blade steel: W2 (Clay quenched)
Length: Blade: 3 /4” Overall: 7 13/16”
Handle: stabilized Cocobolo
Fittings: peened copper poins
Unique Features: distinct Hamon Line
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 84
Blade Steel: W2 (clay quenched; from 1" round bar)
Length: Blade: 3 3/8" (sharpened edge) Overall: 9 1/8"
Handle: stabilized silky Oak burl
Fittings: peened bronze pins
Unique Features: full integral construction (hand forge with tapered tang); distinct Hamon Line; hammered finish to butt cap
Sheath: Upland Custom Leather

Image 85
Blade Steel: 1084 (clay quenched)
Length: Blade: 3 1/2" (sharpened edge) Overall: 9 1/8"
Handle: stabilized spalted Box Elder burl
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; black/white spacers; mosaic pin; mild steel frame
Unique Features: frame handle construction; Distinct Hamon Line
Sheath: Upland Custom Leather

Image 90
Blade Steel: O1
Length: Blade: 3 1/8" Overall: 7"
Handle: stabilized spalted Pecan
Fittings: peened brass pins; "dog paw" mosaic pin
Sheath: Upland Custom Leather

Image 92
Blade Steel: 1084 (clay quenched)
Legnth: Blade: 4" Overall: 8 3/4"
Handle: stabilized spalted curley California Buckeye burl
Fittings: peened brass pins; "dog paw" mosaic pin
Unique Features: distinct Hamon Line
Sheath: Upland Custom Leather

Image 93
Blade Steel: Hitachi Blue Paper Steel #2 (clay quenched)
Length: Blade: 3 1/4" Overall: 7 3/4""
Handle: stabilized Camphor burl
Fittings: peened nickel silver pins; "dog paw" mosaic pin
Unique features: distinct Hamon Line
Sheath: Upland Custom Leather

Image 98
Blade Steel: W2
Legnth: Blade: 3 5/8" Overall: 8 1/4"
Handle: stabilized Western Walnut
Fittings: peened brass pins; center "dog paw" pin
Unique Features: full tang; distinct quench line
Sheath: Upland Custom Leather

Image 87
Blade Steel: 80CrV2
Length: Blade: 3 3/8" Overall: 7 3/4"
Handle: stabilized Persimmon burl
Fittings: peened bronze pins
Unique Features: faint Hamon Line
Sheath: Upland Custom Leather

Image 89
Blade Steel: W2
Length: Blade: 3 7/8" Overall: 8 11/16"
Handle: Stabilized Alaskan Yellow Cedar Burl
Fittings: peened brass peens
Unique Features: "boot" knife; distinct Hamon Line
Sheath: Upland Custom Leather

Image KK86
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 "firestorm" damascus
Length: Blade: 5" (max. width-7/8") Overall: 10 5/16"
Handle: stabilized spalted Dogwood
Fittings: bronze collar and end cap with hammered faces; white G10 spacers; peened bronze pin
Unique Features: full hidden tand construction with tand peened onto end cap
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image KK90
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 "firestorm" damascus
Length: Blade: 4 9/16" (max. width: 11/16")
Handle: stabilized mineral stained Maple burl
Fittings: brass collar; black/white spacers; mosaic pin
Unique Features: hidden tang construction
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image KK92
Blade Steel: San Mai (core of Hitachi White Paper Steel #2 w/ envelope of mild steel)
Length: Blade: 7" (max. width: 1 9/16") Overall: 12 1/8"
Handle: Cocobolo
Fittings: peened copper pins
Unique Features: unique handle design; hammered finish spine half of blade; full tang
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image KK94
Blade Steel: 52100
Length: Blade: 8 9/16" (max. width-1 1/2") Overall: 13 3/4"
Handle: American Holly
Fittings: bronze spacer; peened bronze pins
Unique Features: integral construction
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image KK95
Blade Steel: Wootz Steel
Length: Blade: 4 3/4" (max. width - 15/16") Overall: 9 1/4"
Handle: stabilized California Buckeye burl
Fittings: stainless steel collar w/ hammered face; copper spacer; mosaic pin
Unique Features: hidden tand construction
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image KK96
Blade Steel: 80CrV2 (clay quenched)
Length: Blade: 6 3/4" (max. width - 1 3/8") Overall: 11 7/8"
Handle: Olive Wood burl (3yo)
Fittings: bronze collar/end cap w/ hammered faces; red G10 spacers; peened bronze pins
Unique Features: full hidden tand construction w/ tand peened onto end cap; distinct Hamon Line
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image KK97
Blade Steel: W2 (clay quenched)
Length: Blade: 7 7/8" (max. width - 1 15/16") Overall: 12 15/16"
Handle: stabilized Birdseye Maple
Fittings: peened brass pins
Unique Features: full tang construction; ditinct Hamon Line
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image KK98
Blade Steel: 1095/15N20 "firestorm" damascus
Length: Blade: 3 5/16" (max. width - 13/16") Overall: 6 15/16"
Handle: Arizona Desert Ironwood
Fittings: peened copper pins
Unique Features: full tang construction
Sheath: protective cover provided

Image 78
Blade Steel: O1
Length: Blade: 2 3/4” (sharpened edge) Overall: 8 1/2”
Handle: stabilized Redwood burl
Fittings: mosaic pins
Unique Features: full integral construction
Sheath Upland Leather

Image 79
Blade Steel: Wootz steel
Length: Blade: 2 1/2” (sharpened edge) Overall: 7 1/2”
Handle: stacked Birch bark
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard and butt cap; ivory Micarta spacers
Unique Features: tang peened onto butt cap
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image 61
Blade Steel: Wootz high carbon steel
Length: 2 11/16” (sharpened edge) Overall: 7 13/16”
Handle Material: stacked Birch bark
Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard and butt cap; bronze spacers
Unique Features: tang peened into butt cap
Sheath: Upland Leather

Image FK95
Blade Steel: 1075/15N20 "firestorm" damascus
Length: Blade: 3 5/8" (sharpened edge) Overall: 9 1/2"
Handle: Amboyna burl (3yo) Fittings: 1854 wrought iron guard; copper/black/white spacers; mosaic pins
Unique Features: frame handle construction; mild steel spacer w/rope pattern hand filework
Sheath: Upland Custom Leather

Image KK79
Blade Steel: O1
Length: Blade: 3 5/8” Overall: 8 1/4”
Handle: Honduran Rosewood
Unique Features: integral construction
Sheath: Protective cover provided

Image KK81
Blade Steel: O1
Length: Blade: 3 3/8” Overall: 8 1/16”
Handle: Arizona Desert Ironwood
Unique Features: Integral construction
Fittings: Copper collar/end cap; black&white plastic spacers
Sheath: Protective cover provided